On Sat, Jul 04, 2009 at 10:18:56AM -0700, nate wrote:
fred smith wrote:
I'm considering upgrading, and am trying to choose a modern motherboard that nevertheless fully works with Centos5/RHEL5.
What role is that system going to play?
I assume server because I'd put money down that in excess of 99% of CentOS installations are servers. (that number started at 95% and I kept jacking it up higher the more I thought about it..)
Sorry, I didn't think to specify. It's my personal playground/home computer/ mail server. So in the sense that it hosts the mail server for my personal domain, then yes, it's a server. But in every other sense it's "just" my personal computer.
One board at Newegg that is inexpensive yet from the reviews looks like a good one is http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128392. I've been running on a Gigabyte board for the last 5 (or so--can't recall exactly) years and it has always "just worked", so I wouldn't mind another.
But what I don't know how to tell is if chipsets have Linux support (in my preferred OS, not the latest unreleased Fedora Rawhide, or next year's still pre-alpha Ubuntu), or even with chipset support does the darn thing work or not?