On 05/07/11 10:09, Ljubomir Ljubojevic wrote:
Mark Weaver wrote:
On 7/4/2011 10:41 PM, Scott Robbins wrote:
On Mon, Jul 04, 2011 at 10:30:08PM -0400, Mark Weaver wrote:
Has anyone seen a supported hardware list on CentOS 6? I've been looking around for the last few days; even looked at RedHat's site but didn't find one.
I've got a Dell Inspiron 1501 with a Dell Wireless 1390 WLAN mini-card in it and I'm trying to find out if it's going to have native driver support for the WIFI.
I think most of the Dell Inspirons actually have a Broadcom 1390. There's plenty of posts on it on Fedora forum, not sure how much will be applicable to CentOS 6.
I took a look at the Fedora 15 live CD and it didn't have any idea what to do with the WIFI chipset. As I recall it didn't even see it.
Broadcom has license restrictions so even ElRepo guys wont create rpms, but there is howto, even for CentOS 5: http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/Laptops/Wireless/Broadcom
That was true, but...
We (elrepo) certainly aren't prepared to create and redistribute binary "kmod-wl" RPMS given the Broadcom licensing restrictions. However, one of our colleagues recently required these packages so we did knock up some kmod packages for el5 and el6 for our own internal not to be redistributed private use.
As there is evidently a high demand for them, we have decided to make available our SRPMS (well, .nosrc.rpm actually) which end users can rebuild themselves.
http://elrepo.org/linux/elrepo/el5/SRPMS/wl-kmod-5_100_82_38-1.el5.elrepo.no... http://elrepo.org/linux/elrepo/el6/SRPMS/wl-kmod-5_100_82_38-2.el6.elrepo.no...
Because these packages do not contain or redistribute anything from Broadcom they are not subject to Broadcom's licensing, hence we feel we are able to distribute them if they benefit the community. I think we have some detailed directions somewhere on how to build the packages from our SRPMS so perhaps one of my colleagues will get that posted up shortly.
Hope that helps.