2008/12/5 Matt lm7812@gmail.com:
I have a server running Centos 4.7 32bit. Will moving from 4Gig of RAM to 8Gig do any good? Since its 32bit I assume it will only be able to address the first 4Gig not?
As long as you are using a SMP kernel you can use up to 64GB of RAM (though each proccess can only address 4GB of this). So if you can find any trace of "SMP" in the uname (grep is your friend) then it should work fine.
PAE, not SMP
He should be able to replace the kernel via rpm -e and rpm -i That said, I doubt he'll actually see a benefit. PAE is slow.
It isn't slow; it does have a performance penalty. A 32bit box with 8GB serving many clients (as an IMAP server, file server, etc...) will be faster than a 32bit box with 3GB of RAM.