If I recall correctly, this has been asked and shot down before. cAos/CentOS is about Open Source which flash is not. There was talk that java might become open source, but that has not happened.
For CentOS-2, Sun distribute a .rpm which works fine. Does it not work for CentOS-3 & cAos?
I have a small rpm with 1 symlink which enables the java plugin for mozilla (requires j2sdk & mozilla).
I also have the flash plugin packaged but do not distribute it. If someone wanted, they could create a script/srpm which could obtain the download from macromedia and package it up.
Rick Graves wrote:
Hey Dag,
I have 2 packages in my repository:
mozilla-flash mozilla-j2re
I am absolutely interested.
Can we put these in the CentOS repository?
Who will be responsible for (really) maintaining them?
Are there any licensing/persmission issues?
--- Dag Wieers dag@wieers.com wrote:
[Any errors in spelling, tact or fact are transmission errors]
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