On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 2:25 AM, Laurence Alexander Hurst L.A.Hurst@lboro.ac.uk wrote:
I've spent some time struggling with this issue too. The current version of yum will let you specify an older version (as detailed in the man page) and install it - but you then have to be very careful with your `yum update`s to avoid accidentally upgrading it. Once you have a later version installed you cannot, currently, downgrade it - the only way to install an older version "over" an existing version is to remove the package and then explicitly install the older version, and this can result in some nasty dependency issues.
Avoiding accidental updates is as easy as putting exclusion rules in your yum repo files. I do this routinely to prevent my OOo 2.4.1 from getting overwritten by (and me getting notices for) "newer" revisions of older base versions. (Exclusion rules don't care which way the update would go, up or down.)