I want to use a patch for 2.6.34 about zero-overhead .
The error also occurs in some early kernel version.
TO do make menuconfig and load current system config in /boot,  but it is  not OK.

> Hi,
> I encounter a error when installing the latest kernel 2.6.34 in centos.

What is your purpose to try to run a recent vanilla kernel?

> Steps:
> 1. download source code.
> 2.tar -xvf 2.6.34.tar.gz
> 3.use the .config file of current system in /boot directory.
> 4.make ,make modules_install, make install,

That should be "make oldconfig", shouldn't it?

> 5.reboot.

[ ... ]

> Best regards to you !
>>From Yanfei  wang


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Best regards!
From: Yanfei  wang