On Jun 4, 2010, at 2:31 PM, Jerry Geis geisj@pagestation.com wrote:
Jerry Geis wrote:
Never setup sendmail myself but google talks about: makemap hash /etc/mail/access < /etc/mail/access Did you do it?
Rebuilding access.db gets done by typing "make" in the /etc/mail directory. It has been done.
ok - going crazy I made a copy of my access file, and removed everything execpt localhost. restart sendmail of course. re-tried the abuse.net/relay.html site and it did not relay....
So then something in the file must be the issue. I put everything back as it was, restart and tried again. it relayed.
I then commented the line: 192.168.1 RELAY
and restarted and retried. It did not relay.
I thought this line was a wildcard for anything 192.168.1.X - not open the world for relaying.
If your NAT'ting these through the firewall, then the world will be coming in on 192.168.1...
Have an internal email relay for outbound and add that sever's ip address to the table instead of the wildcard.