On Wednesday 05 November 2008 04:41:31 Indunil Jayasooriya wrote:
I have a harddisk with 3 primary partitions and one extended partitions. Under extented partions , there are 15 partions.
Whole hard disk has been partitioned in a standard way, (i.e NOT LVM)
It has 2GB ram. swap is also 2GB.
Now I want to extend this swap to 4 GB.
If I use dd coomand and create a file with 2GB, Will I be able to extend the swap witn swapon commnad?
How can I achive this?
Hope to hear form you,
Are you sure you are actually using the current swap? If you are not short of RAM you probably aren't. See what top says about my laptop:
538136k total, 0k used,