Karanbir Singh <> scribbled on Wednesday, June 25, 2008 12:51 PM:
Am I the only one to have had a totally trouble-free upgrade to 5.2?? I get the feeling that most everybody seems to have *some* problems...
well, how it works is that the millions of machines out there where it just worked, wont get reported, but if things break people could use a helpinghand, or just something to sync with other people who have similar problems.
Going by your take of things, looking at the bugs.centos.org site - one might conclude that OhMyGod,NothingWorks,PanicPanicPanic, is there anything on this ship that is good!!
Which would, even if I may say so myself, be quite wrong!
I think everything is good :D Just a few people run into issues, so they report them ( and they should, its what makes us a community! )
You're are right I guess. 8-) Like the other guy said, the ones with problems are just louder than the rest of us. ;-)
Actually I did panic a bit when yum finished looking for updates and reported it needed some 300-400MB. I was afarid I'd hit the max on /. Turns out it worked flawlessly. My mother OTOH, has a 256kbps line down and 300-400M will take a while to download... She doesn't have any space-constraints though on / as I had. Win some, lose some...
All in all, CentOS 5.2 seems to work fine. My web server and sshd is still up and chugging along. I'm happy. 8-)