John R Pierce wrote:
On 3/24/2016 7:48 AM, wrote:
We seem to be moving to postgresql. I find I do not like it - it's much more of a pain to work with than mysql is. Do you have any opinions about meria d/b? Are there improvements over the flaws you're aware of with mysql?
and I find mysql a real pain to work with.
the biggest difference is, postgresql is much stricter about data types. it will not, for example, allow you to store 2015-02-30 as a date. also, postgres is very strict about the atomicity of transactions, its all or nothing.
And I have serious issues trying to figure out the structure of, say, the barios d/b. But I did NOT ask for a comparison to postgresql, or care to have any kind of argument about it at all. I was asking about mariadb vs. mysql.
Oh, and the link I posted, to MySQL gotchas, that was last updated in '14? I tried emailing them, at the link they gave, and my email bounced.
mark mark