
CentOs or RedHat flavours donot come up with "Reiserfs support by default". u can install
it using like

yum install enablerepo=centosplus reiserfs-utils

please confirm the command as i used this long time ago....

Suppose, u want to /var to be reiserfs supported, u have to format /var with
resierfs, there is no need to format whole OS.

Long time, i used this scenario, but unfortunately donot remember the procedure
i know when i did, it was tricky.... soon as i get any help i will update.


Umair Shakil

On 9/28/07, chitgoks <> wrote:
hi , our centos os has an ext3 file system. and i cant create any more directories, it gives me a too many links error, even when doing a manual mkdir.

is there any workaround for this? without changing it to a different file system like reiserFS? we dont have a reiserfs module in the os so it will have to be installed. and can it be possible to install a reiserFS without having to reformat the os? just mount it after installing? please advise

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