On Mon, 2007-02-26 at 15:38 +0100, Dag Wieers wrote:
On Mon, 26 Feb 2007, Johnny Hughes wrote:
There is an upgraded BackupPC in the testing repository. It is version 3.0.0, which was released in January.
The setup differences between version 2.1.2 and this version is that some file directories have shifted locations:
/var/lib/backuppc/conf is now instead /etc/BackupPC/
/var/lib/backuppc/log is now /var/log/BackupPC
As a packager, I would seriously consider removing the mixed-case from the directory names (and package name) and contact backuppc about this fact.
In Unix we have a tendency to not use uppercase or mixed case for a specific reason and applications shouldn't mandate new standards or poison existing standards, more than they already have. (/etc/X11 comes to mind)
I do not disagree with this at all ... however, there is much documentation written that becomes worthless if I change those aspects of the program (location of config files, and logs, etc.).
I certainly could change all those things (I did add 64bit arch support, for example) ... but I do not want to also then rewrite all docs, etc.