On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 4:36 AM, xufengnju <xufengnju@sina.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> We currently have upload servers in one data center(A), and users upload the
> images there. We have storage server in another data center(B). When users
> upload many images at the same time, we face sync difficulties.
> On B, we use rsync in server mode, with authentication.
> On A, we use `rsync -azpogtRv --safe-links 1/
> rsync://user@serverB/img/ --password-file=/var/www/r.passwd `
> Both ends run centos 5.3 X86_64.
> Any suggestions to optimize rsync in this case?
You can add the following options:
The first will speed up the comparison. The second can prevent some
errors related to synchronization on the receiving side.
BTW, have you considered using a DRBD volume with GFS? This might
work better than rsync, depending on your configuration.
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