in the spec file you just need to set the sasl to 1 right? anything should i do in the spec file?

On 8/30/05, dan.trainor <> wrote:
Alan Hodgson wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 29, 2005 at 11:45:29AM -0400, Matt Hyclak wrote:
>>Generally speaking, pop-before-smtp was (and is) a big hack. The right
>>answer is to set up SMTP-Auth.
> Sadly, SMTP auth on Postfix _feels_ like an even bigger hack, due to the
> joy that is SASL.  It does work well once you get it setup, but man it's
> a pain.

Agreed.  However, after the first initial headache, it's a joy to have
it working properly.

Remember that you're going to need to compile Postfix with SASL support.
The easiest way I've found to build my nice install is to grab the
Postfix SRPM, edit the .spec appropriately, and then rebuild the RPM for
your particular setup.

Too me like five minutest to decipher your email there, Mark.  Feel free
to use some commas and periods on occasion ;)

CentOS mailing list

Mark Quitoriano, CCNA

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