On Sun, 2008-07-13 at 21:41 +0200, Ralph Angenendt wrote:
William L. Maltby wrote:
It wasn't a bad thing to do. IMO the bad thing to do was for someone to "rebuke" you in such a "short" manner when you had made the list aware of your "noobiness".
Had I seen your attachement first (which somehow got around me), you would have gotten "the notice". That has nothing to do with "noobiness" or not, just with common sense: One does not send large mails/files to thousands of users. At least not via public mailing lists.
"Common sense" is almost always derived from the experience of those who have it. Some things a plumber would consider common sense would be beyond the ken of you and me, I imagine.
Same here in the virtual world. In fact, probably worse. A plumber has a relatively smaller knowledge base to digest. And a relatively smaller selection of sources for that knowledge.
So I take the approach that unless someone is an obvious repeat offender, or just doesn't care, I cut them some slack and approach them as I would like to be approached if I was new to the venue.
But that's just me. I don't expect others to adhere to my standards.
And yes, I was astonished that the list even allowed mails that large.
<*chuckle*> "That large"? I'd *almost* bet I'd seen regular posts in some of our longer threads (mostly careening OT severely) that were larger just because folks are too damn lazy to snip.
Q: since you have seen me on here for a long time and know that I am generally observant of the courtesies, would you have "shouted" at me in the same way?
Your answer should provide insight to future hapless victims of your wrath. :-)
<snip sig stuff>