2011/5/23 R P Herrold <herrold@owlriver.com>
On Mon, 23 May 2011, Timothy Murphy wrote:

> This seems to me to be an unnecessarily agressive response
> to what appeared to me a rational question from Les Mikesell.

> But I don't think the fact that a service is free
> entitles its proponents to be rude to those using it.

You must be new to this mailing list :)

no -- this post was intentional on my part as part of a new
approach to this mailing list's 'poisonous people' [1] ... I
am going to try: stop ignoring public misbehaviour, and rather
point it out expressly (that is: 'shame' rather than 'shun')

Sort of like St. Patrick driving the Celtic snake spirits out
of Ireland

'Banishment' either by way of unsubscription, or moderation
cannot work -- a troll will just subscribe another sock puppet

Well-known trolls who find their entertainment during the
workday sowing discontent here, with the techniques of
'Twenty-Five Rules of Disinformation' [2] and otherwise, will
be invited by me to put up or shut up

We'll see how (and if) this works -- it formerly worked well
in the IRC channel where we could use a LART; dunno that it
will work here

i'm afraid you're caught in a trap: you believe that people expressing their feelings here the most are trols, when they are probably among the users who cares most about the project and thus are trying by any means they have (that is, only emails) to help the project.

regarding the fact we are not contributing as much as we want to the project, i'm afraid is basicaly a documentation problem. i'd personally like to do something to help, but i don't have the required education to do that. i only have the will. i may be not alone in this position.
please forgive me for expressing my thoughts, but i do care about centos and i'm afraid that without users, the developers will no longer have much reasons to continue it. centos has gathered imho more than the required critical mass, it would be a pitty to die just because there is a lack of understanding between users and developers.