epository); I've tried BOTH the openJDK plugin available through the Argeo repositories, and installing Java
I am the packager of the Argeo version of the JDK containing the plugin.
Please first note that the location has changed because some other packages in the repo started to be used more widely and I wanted to clearly separate Java efforts: http://www.argeo.org/linux/argeo-el/5/java-plus/
Please also note that it will probably change location again (we are upgrading our infrastructure) or even disappear if there is little interested (I did not think that anybody else used it). I recommend interested users to download the SRPM as a backup, in order to be independent of future evolutions.
Now to your problem: - the plugin is still working for me, and went smoothly through the CentOS 5.5 update (from a package update perspective). - but it is working badly: at some point it starts eating all the CPU and I need to restart Firefox, or even kill the process - the bug for x86_64 has been updated in July and they recommend to try again with the standard version: http://icedtea.classpath.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=405
Did you try removing and installing the Argeo OpenJdk again?
I haven't looked at it yet, but my idea was to try again building the plugin and if it works, to have an additional package only for the plugin, which would not require to update the base OpenJdk (I had rebuilt everything at the time because I also needed 1.6.0-b16 because of some bugs fixed between b09 and b16, not only the plugin).#
If there is interest that I keep this effort public, please let me know (off- or on-list). This will give me a motivation to look at it sooner.