Rudi Ahlers sent a missive on 2010-04-28:
And I haven't been able to install openvpn on the ADSL hosted server either, so I want to try a gateway type setup
Having given this some thought I think that you would do better to provide proxy services on a case by case basis.
Attempting to route traffic using a default gateway I don't think is going to work... the "next hop" is not on a local subnet so I dont think this is going to work (I might be wrong about this).
You could have a vpn between the machines - the ADSL gateway machine have a VPN to the IS machine and all traffic from and to the ADSL machine/NAT network behind it is routed over the VPN. This does work and is fairly easy to set-up if you have access to the ADSL machine.
If you can't set this up then I think that you should concentrate on providing proxy services for essential services i.e. http, smtp, pop3, imap, ftp (if needed). Squid will do some, you can then use a mail server of your choice to provide smtp relay services, I think that there is a pop3/imap proxy out there also (I've never used one though). For such services the adsl gateway machine can then do DNAT on the outbound packet (using iptables prerouting table) and then the proxied service will then do its thing (hopefully).
By far the best solution requiring little effort is a vpn (imho).