dear All,
I'm spending the afternoon trying to build software raid using this ( excellent ) guide :
I'm doing this not only because this machine has no raid controller - I could go out and buy one - but also because I hope software raid will provide easier monitoring.
This is a newly installed, updated Centos6.4 standard machine.
So far I arrived at part1 step 4: ----->
mdadm --add /dev/md_d0 /dev/sdb
and this is on 16.6 %
Looking at part 2 , step 2 :
------------> Edit /etc/fstab, you must change all mounts from using LABEL= to explicit device names, like /dev/md_d0p1, /dev/md_d0p2, ...
I'm wondering where I can find the names md_d0p1, p2 and so on.
Can anyone help me on this?
Thanks very much.
Greetings, J.