On 22/01/2021 21:08, Frank Cox wrote:
On Fri, 22 Jan 2021 20:51:09 +0000 Jamie Burchell wrote:
So RH could make it difficult for downstream projects such a Rocky Linux.
I don't imagine Redhat will go out of their way to make it easy for Rocky Linux.
But there's a point beyond which they can't go without contravening the GPL (and other licenses) so they couldn't do that legally, and there's also a point beyond which they'll alienate more of their customers.
At the moment, Red Hat currently make the source code of RHEL 8 available as push commits to a git repo (git.centos.org) that CentOS pull and rebuild.
Once CentOS Linux 8 is gone, this git repository will presumably be gone too (or replaced by Stream), so one wonders were the public RHEL sources for other projects to rebuild will be :-/