On 5/4/2015 1:09 AM, tballin wrote:
we want to migrate to CentOS 7(.1) , Server, Client etc ...
Right now we need to suspend that because we have some serious issues with NFS4 shared ZFS ( kernel module - zfs on linux project ) Volumes and CentOS 7 clients.
Our current server are CentOS6.5, if we share a zfs volume and do the following on this share: client A reads/access file "z.txt". Now client B replaces (copy, move, unlink+link ) files "z.txt" with a new different version and now client A reads/access the file "z.txt" ( and only the file - do not do anything which does a "stat" on the file e.g. "cat z.txt") the old version/content is read. As long as you do something that issues a "stat" for the file/dir.
I've used ZFS file systems on a NFS Server extensively on Solaris, and a fair bit with FreeBSD 9.x, 10.1, and its never had any such issues. AFAIK, ZFS on Linux is still considered experimental.