On Thu, 16 Dec 2004 10:41:59 +0100 Martin Hamant mh@accelance.fr disait:
On Wed, 15 Dec 2004 22:49:33 -0500 Michael Jennings mej@caosity.org disait:
On Wednesday, 15 December 2004, at 18:44:57 (-0600), Johnny Hughes wrote:
RedHat's official versions are (in my opinion) the best from a security perspective.
Depends on your needs. Those (like me) on the postfix announce list can whip up a new postfix package with mezzanine faster than RH can post updates (assuming everyone is notified at once).
:P Sorry, for that empty mail. I just wanted to say that i remember a release of postfix on Centos which was by default an openrelay. It seems to not be the case with the last one.