On 8/24/2011 10:28 PM, Robert Arkiletian wrote:
On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 4:26 PM, Rudi AhlersRudi@softdux.com wrote:
Because the original post made no mention of "CentOS" at all. At least that's my guess and that's also the first impression I had about the post.
Sorry I should have initially stated it was for CentOS6.
well, where else would he connect the UPS to? His fish tank? Surely if someone has a PC, and is subscribed to a Linux mailing linux and asks for advice on a hardware device then it would be related to compatibility as well.
Thanks for the support but I really don't want my query to turn into a debate about what's off topic. It's just that I have only ever used APC and apcupsd. I've never used CyberPower and wondered if other CentOS people were using it with success/reliability. If that's off topic then I've learned something.
cypberpower does provide a linux utility to communicate with their ups systems. I have one that is on three server...:)