On Wed, 23 May 2007 10:36:50 -0700 "Mark Hull-Richter" mhullrich@gmail.com took out a #2 pencil and scribbled:
On 5/23/07, Brent L. Bates blbates@vigyan.com wrote:
We had a similar problem. I believe there was an error
message in our system log files that pointed to the solution. I logged in remotely and deleted a problem file. I'm not 100% sure what the file was, but I think it was something like .ICEauthority or a variation on it. Some how the file got corrupted and when root tried to login, it was quickly kicked out. I hope this helps some. Good luck.
Well, I tried .dmrc, .ICEauthority and .Xauthority and none of them appear to be responsible. (I renamed each one to .old, tried a login, failed, and renamed them back.)
As far as I can tell, this affects ALL non root users on the system. I can log in remotely, or as root (remotely or directly via gdm), but not via gdm as a non-root user.
Also, I cannot manipulate passwords at all. When I try to set a user password using the users and groups applet, it hangs. When I try to set a user password from the root login via passwd <user>, I always get an authentication failure.
Does that clarify the problem to anyone else?
You aren't running SELinux are you? Did you restore those contexts or at least make sure the contexts are correct? Did permissions not get preserved in the move? If the permissions (which I know was probably obvious to you) are incorrect the user won't be able to log in, but I'm not sure about that log in incorrect error with changing passwords. It could possibly be SELinux related.