On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 4:41 PM, Ralph Angenendt <ra+centos@br-online.de> wrote:
Michael St. Laurent wrote:
> > > Is there a projected release date for CentOS-5.3?
> > >
> > >
> > he....did....not....ask...this....
> >
> > search the forums..when it's done..unless you would like to help..:)
> I have helped by sending money.  I don't know if that counts or not
> though.

Sure does and thank you for that. But just as you don't mention the
Reinemachefrau in front of the Nazi chief in "Dead men don't wear plaid", you
don't ask when the next release comes out here. Someone might go berzerk.

Bezerk they will go,
because for each person
who doesn't ask,
there will be dozens who do.

Betcha one of you can make this rhyme,
I can't.
Note the minimalist .sig
Probably should fatten it up
Drew Einhorn