At Mon, 26 Nov 2012 13:25:00 -0500 CentOS mailing list wrote:
On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 01:11:22PM -0500, wrote:
I haven't found who does it for RHEL/CentOS yet, and there's a wrong attribution.... --------------------- Fortune Begin ------------------------
I'm N-ary the tree, I am, N-ary the tree, I am, I am. I'm getting traversed by the parser next door, She's traversed me seven times before. And ev'ry time it was an N-ary (N-ary!) Never wouldn't ever do a binary. (No sir!) I'm 'er eighth tree that was N-ary. N-ary the tree I am, I am, N-ary the tree I am. -- Stolen from Paul Revere and the Raiders
Hermans' Hermits. Paul Revere and the Raiders never did it....
I'm not familiar with a song with those lyrics, but Herman's Hermits did "I'm Henry the Eighth, I am..." in a serious Cockney accent.
Is that what you're thinking of?
The above is *obviously* a "geeky" perversion of "I'm Henry the Eighth, I am..." by Hermans' Hermits. "Henry" in a "serious Cockney accent" ends up sounding something like "N-ary": basically the 'H' becomes silent and an 'a' is phonically inserted before the 'r', resulting in 'en-ar-y', which phonically matches 'N-ary'. The rest of the lyrical subsitution logicall follows from there... Just like the Emperor's 'Death Star' becomes 'rm *', with much the same effect... (There is somewhere in Usenet-Land a silly re-write of the "Star Wars" story titled "Unix Wars".)