Dear all, I'm trying to setup a development server which hosts a number of virtual hosts.and i need your advice with the following: 1. What's the best Filesystem to be used with an apache server?Relevant info: i. Mysql DB size' 1 GBii. Code directory size' 8 GB (Max file size is 5 KB)2. What's the best file structure to maximize seek time from drives?Relevant info:i. 2 X 1 TB SATAII 64MB blk Edition Int HDDii. 1 X 320GB General info: I have an additional directory which hosts all my code under /Development . this directory has a size of almost 300 GB.14 Virtual Hosts would be created on the server under /etc/httpd/VHosts/ I was thinking of the following structure: Drive A (320 GB): OS Drive B (1 TB): Mysql + /homeDrive C (1 TB): /development + /opt Would this work? i followed no guidelines with the above setup, it's just using my own logic. so i'd appreciate an expert advice with this. Thanks, --Roland