On Mar 19, 2010, at 11:12 AM, "nate" centos@linuxpowered.net wrote:
Joseph L. Casale wrote:
Just started messing with multipath against an iSCSI target with 4 nics. What should one expect as behavior when paths start failing? My lab setup was copying some data on a mounted block device when I dropped 3 of 4 paths and the responsiveness of the server completely tanked for several minutes.
Is that still expected?
Depends on the target and the setup, ideally if you have 4 NICs you should be using at least two different VLANs, and since you have 4 NICs (I assume for iSCSI only) you should use jumbo frames.
Jumbo frames should only be used if your CPU can't keep up with the load of 4 NICs otherwise it does add some latency to iSCSI.
With my current 3PAR storage arrays and my iSCSI targets each system has 4 targets but usually 1 NIC, my last company(same kind of storage) I had 4 targets and 2 dedicated NICs(each on it's own VLAN for routing purposes and jumbo frames).
In all cases MPIO was configured for round robin, and failed over in a matter of seconds.
Failing BACK can take some time depending on how long the path was down for, at least on CentOS 4.x (not sure on 5.x) there was some hard coded timeouts in the iSCSI system that could delay path restoration for a minute or more because there was a somewhat exponential back off timer for retries, this caused me a big headache at one point doing a software upgrade on our storage array which will automatically roll itself back if all of the hosts do not re-login to the array within ~60 seconds of the controller coming back online.
If your iSCSI storage system is using active/passive controllers that may increase fail over and fail back times and complicate stuff, my arrays are all active-active.
I would check the dm-multipath comfig for how it handles errors, it might retry multiple times before marking a path bad.
That will slow things to a crawl.