Make sure you have bind installed and two ethernet cards installed. Give the lan ethernet card a static IP such as
Use the firestarter package (
Run the wizard (5 screens)
You're done!
If you are curious about how to do this yourself, check /etc/ firestarter there is a "firewall" config file that shows every step the program did to enable forwarding, etc.
If you are generally happy with the program, you can add in custom scripts in the user-pre file- they load before firestarters other rules and take precendence.
If you hate the program, study what options it passes under the config file.
On 03/30/2005 07:21:37 AM, Johnny Hughes wrote:
On Wed, 2005-03-30 at 14:10 +0100, Joao Medeiros wrote:
I've read a number of articles, googled the web for a few months
now attempting at turning my CentOS box into a gateway for the
time. Configured my dhcpd.conf and other related files and all
to be working, I can have my M$ desktop leasing an ip address and
The problem is when I want to go out to the internet I keep on
the Request Timed out error.
I'm pretty sure I've followed the manuals to the letter. The
is working fine.
Any clues or pointers would be very much appreciated.
TIA, Joao
You need to do ip-masquerading to pass traffic thru a linux box as a gateway. That requires 2 NICs and an iptables script which does masquerading
I use this script to setup that kind of box:
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