On Thu, 2011-01-27 at 12:33 +0530, Indunil Jayasooriya wrote:
you expect Passwordless SSH. If so,
I wanted a quick effortless automated log-on.
# ssh-keygen -t rsa ( passphrase should be empty )
Yes I did exactly that but following advice from this mailing list have changed to DSA and imposed a passphrase.
# cd /root/.ssh/
Pls scp id_rsa.pub to the Server
# scp id_rsa.pub root@server:/root/.ssh/authorized_keys
I used Nautilus to transfer the files. Copied the file from my machine and pasted it into the server's directory. I have the servers as bookmarks in Nautilus. After entering the password for my machine's keyring, only once per session, entering the remote server is instant and easy. However terminal access is still needed sometimes for re-starting services, iptables and changing ownership - hence my need for SSH command line access to the servers.