Look in /etc/sysconfig/network, There should be a line in there that looks like GATEWAY=83.x.x.1. If there isn't then check /etc/sysconfig/networking/devices/ifcfg-name of interface for the same line. If neither of them have if then adding it in either should be sufficent.
Niels Przybilla wrote:
> Hi,
> i added second nic to my server
> I have these two uplinks:
> My main uplink is 195.XXX.XXX.XXX
> My secondary is 83.XXX.XXX.XXX
> When I add the secondary NIC, CentOS automatically sets default gw to
> 83.XXX.XXX.1 and deletes the gateway from 195.XXX.XXX.1
> How can I set it that CentOs uses the gateway 195.XXX.XXX.1 as default
> gateway. When I set this manually with route, CentOS changes my
> sentings after a reboot.
> And I need also to accept incoming traffic on 83.XXX.XXX.1.
> Thanks for your help and best regards
> Niels
Have you checked http://lartc.org/howto/index.html -- especially section
4.x ?
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