On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 8:57 AM, Rob Lines <rlinesseagate@gmail.com> wrote:
I am looking for an app that would run from the terminal and would emulate a bash shell (or pass everything to the shell) that would allow me to set a log file and then record all my input and the output to the screen from the commands.  As an added bonus if it would allow me to run it from two terminals (or more) on the same machine and log all the input and output to the same file while still displaying it on the screen that would be great.  The goal being that when making changes or diagnosing a problem it can sometimes become hard to tell what command came when especially when you have more than one termial session open.  While using putty with a really large buffer helps it doesn't deal well with the two terminal issue or disconnected sessions.

Anyone know of an app like this or any suggestions that could be added to my bashrc to provide the functionality?


I recently need something similar, but wanted everything sent to a remote syslog server.  A friend of my suggested install rootsh or sudosu as the shell and wrap it in a script that pipes everything to syslog using a script like this http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/sysadmin/2006/10/12/httpd-syslog.html

I haven't had time to set it up, but it seems like it could work.  If you didn't want remote syslog, just pipe it to a local file.
