Rudi Ahlers sent a missive onĀ 2010-02-07:
2010/2/5 Simon Billis Do you have any shared storage that you're using which supports snapshots? If you do, then a combination of coalescing the running VM's to disk and taking a snap and also using traditional backup methods (application aware) to disk/tape for archival and complete failure of the storage is a reasonable thing to do.
the main problem with this, is that one client on that VM (think about shared hosting accounts on the VM) wants to restore a single file, or a few files, then you're going to have to restore the whole snapshot and a lot of other files will be lost.
Not necessarily, some storage will allow the mounting of a snap as readonly specifically to allow for this type of restore. The storage will also allow for the snap to be R/W or duplicated and to be allocated to another host to become a live machine.
I'm experimenting with an NFS mount from our backup server. Basically, export the NFS share, and mount it inside the VM, then use your favorite backup procedure / software. For our cPanel VM's, we use cPanel's native backup function which makes use of rsync - and allows us to restore a single file if needed. For other VM's without a control panel, rsync also works well.
I've had mixed results with NFS, sometimes under high loading it would fail and usually when I was in the process of backing up a few machines (four or more) at once to the NFS server.
Good quality storage (which usually comes at a price) will provide the functionality that is needed to backup the VM's either as a complete VM image or files from the VM filesystem. Entry level storage from suppliers such as Equallogic/Dell comes with this functionality and it is possible to have the storage up and attached to servers within 10 mins from un-boxing it (but do allow a little longer to understand it ;-) .)
I do believe that all backup strategies need to be examined frequently to ensure that they have met and are meeting your needs as the requirement often changes when new applications are rolled out or the usage of an existing application changes.