Hi all
We require some packages installed through pecl (apc and memcache) which we have done on CentOS 5.5 by installing php 5.2 from testing and also installing php-devel and php-pear to much success! We would like to move to php 5.3 after 5.6 comes out but I note that there is no specific php53-pear package in testing and the php-pear srpm in the 5server directory on ftp rc com seems to be quite old. I also note that there was a php53-pear.spec posted in this list file with (?unsanctioned) mention of the possibility of this going in extras.
Is it prudent to install pear using the php go-pear.phar method for php53 and will this then give me access to pecl though with the same downside as using cpan for perl (do not want) or will there be an "official" php53-pear rpm available through centos.org?
I'm sorry if this has been answered before but my google-fu seems to be letting me down.