On 2/4/2013 7:21 AM, m.roth@5-cent.us wrote:
Does anyone know of a repository that's*trustworthy* (gotta worry 'bout malware) with newer ruby rpm's than RHEL has?
OT: the more I deal with ruby, the less I like it. Someone here was ready to move to a newer version, and from the ruby.org website, they're apparently actively hostile to all RH-related distros, even though we're the most common in North America. They've got a how to do it from debian and arch, how to use their own installer, and, oh, yes, they say a lot of their community feels you should build from source.
Sorry, that's not my idea of a stable language that I'd ever recommend to someone....
IMNSHO, Ruby is only suitable for prototyping and low volume uses. it doesn't scale well, and ruby/rails websites perform abysmally under heavy workloads.
that said, the 'correct' way of dealing with something like this in the RHEL world is to build whatever version you need for your purposes, test it, and package it as your OWN rpm's for production deployment.