Op 15-12-15 om 08:51 schreef wwp:
Hello Patrick,
On Tue, 15 Dec 2015 08:10:07 +0100 Patrick Bervoets patrick.bervoets@psc-elsene.be wrote:
I don't think this list accepts screenshots, so I'll try to describe. The menu is a black rectangle, if you click somewhere you see the dropdown which is black with 1 or 2 menu-items in white. Toolbar is black with some buttons visible (some of them disappearing when moused-over). Dialog boxes have black buttons etc. All in all rather difficult to use.
Do you run gnome? Maybe then this is a KDE thing.
Maybe it's a desktop theme issue, did you try another one? IIRC there's a settings in LO to follow the desktop theme or not (or something approaching), that's something to check too.
Changing the theme didn't help; neither was deselecting hardware acceleration and other option (btw I couldn't see the checkboxes, they looked like random graphic bits from another screen)
The last time the background of the menubar and the toolbars was (a copy of) the ruler... Definitely random graphic hicups.
I'll go for C7 if one day I'll have some time left :-s
Thanks for helping.