On Thu, 2008-08-28 at 13:50 +1200, Spiro Harvey, Knossos Networks Ltd wrote:
Include the path:
Doesn't that defeat the purpose? My favourite use of the "whatprovides" feature of yum is could find things that aren't on my system. I'd prefer not to go on a wild path chase. :)
This looks like a bug to me.
On CentOS 5.1 (yum 3.0.5):
# yum provides uname | awk '/i386|noarch/ {print $1}' uucp.i386 ... coreutils.i386
on CentOS 5.2 (yum 3.2.8), No Matches found
That's not a bug, that's a “feature”. :-D
Historically, “yum provides” dumped the kitchen sink on you and you had to wade through the debris to find what you wanted.
Looks like the new “feature” went a bit too far the other way.