Hello to all,
I'm currently studying (and collecting notes here
https://github.com/fdicarlo/RHCSA_cs) for RHCSA. My plan is to RHCSA
-> RHCE and then RHCSS.
What I want to ask you is:
- What do you think about it?
- Did you find it useful?
- Do you have any advices?
Best regards,
"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a
faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant
and has forgotten the gift." (A. Einstein)
"La mente intuitiva è un dono sacro e la mente razionale è un fedele
servo. Noi abbiamo creato una società che onora il servo e ha
dimenticato il dono." (A. Einstein)
Fabrizio Di Carlo