Lanny Marcus wrote:
I had a corrupted installation of 3.1.
When I used "yum remove" the response was "package available but not installed", but then, when I used "yum install there was a long list of Transaction Check Errors. I then removed openoffice.org3.1-redhat-menus-noarch which was in the errors.
Here's the first of those errors: Transaction Check Error: file /usr/bin/soffice from install of conflicts with file from package openoffice.org3.1-redhat-menus-3.1-9393.noarch
you are mixing two different sources for OO: some of your installed packages come from the OO website, and you are trying to yum install the centos version on top of that. Either remove all traces of the non-centos rpms and then install with yum, or stick to the ooo rpms and don't install the centos ones. Watch out for if you choose the second solution, that particular rpm has the same name in both sources, but the version number is higher in centos so yum might try to update it - and wreck your OO install.