On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 9:51 AM, Simon Billis <simon@houxou.com> wrote:
> Why?

That is a good question - I "guess" that google's email system thinks you're
sending them spam. If you want your mail to be accepted you may need to have
implemented SPF and domainkeys.

Oh, lovely. As if I didn't have enough work to do...Thanks, google.
You can also try to send mail to your google address by hand i.e. telnet to
google's mail platform on port 25 and mimic the smtp conversation by hand to
see if you can get any further....

I've not done this before. Here's what I did. Please see if this looks correct:

[root]# telnet mail.mydomain.com 25
Connected to mail.mydomain.com.
Escape character is '^]'.
220 mail.mydomain.com ESMTP
HELO mail.mydomain.com
250 mail.mydomain.com
MAIL FROM suzie@mydomain.com
250 ok
RCPT TO suzieprogrammer@gmail.com
250 ok
DATA testing
354 go ahead
250 ok 1267194591 qp 11432
221 mail.mydomain.com
Connection closed by foreign host.

I didn't receive any message. Time for domainkeys?