centos-release.x86_64-7-0.1406.el7.centos.2.5 @updates zfs-release.noarch-1-2.el7.centos @/zfs-release.el7.noarch
I am in the process of setting up a CentOS-7 workstation which, eventually, will be a kvm host for several versions of MS-Windows. Before I get to that point I wish to experiment with zfs. I have a couple of questions:
Q1. Finding a good install tutorial for zfs on CentOS-7 has so far eluded my google-fu. Would someone be so kind as to provide either recommendations for same or direct how-to instructions? And any gotchas.
Q2. https://github.com/zfsonlinux/zfs/issues/2575 seems to be of some concern for CentOS-7 users. Are others experiencing this or is it specific to raid users?