ML wrote:
Hi Joseph,
I try to proceed and I get: boot partition is on a disk using GPT partitioning scheme but this machine cannot boot using GPT.
I have never seen this before.
Sure, drop into a shell (boot to a rescue mode for example) and relabel the discs.
Use parted and its mklabel command and change it to msdos.
Can I do this from an install though? Or should I use a LiveCD? The drives in her ewont boot at this point.
boot the installl CD and get into the rescue shell (from the startup menu), then use something like
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=1024 count=1024
note thats sda and not sda1 or whatever, we want the raw device and not the partition.
then reboot, and the disk should look like a virgin brand new drive. or from that same rescue shell, use parted/mklabel as he said above...