Here is a list of packages for 6.3 for which upstream SRPMS are available but which aren't built on CentOS.
i686 only (these *are* being built, but won't show up in a x86_64 ls): xorg-x11-drv-geode xorg-x11-drv-neomagic
PPC: iprutils libehca libica librtas libvpd (still available as rpm) lsvpd powerpc-utils ppc64-diag ppc64-utils servicelog yaboot
S390: compat-gcc-295 openssl-ibmca s390utils
RHN specific: python-rhsm (still available as rpm) rhn-client-tools rhnlib rhnsd subscription-manager subscription-manager-migration-data virt-who yum-rhn-plugin
SRPM available but not built by RH: compat-gcc-296 compat-gcc-32 ovirt-node
kmods that are merged with the kernel: be2net bnx2 bnx2fc bnx2i bnx2x cnic hpwdt igb ixgbe mlx4_core mlx4_en mlx4_ib snd_core snd_hda snd-hda tg3
obsoleted: report
CentOS renamed: redhat-indexhtml -> centos-indexhtml redhat-release-* -> centos-release
I'm compiling a list of packages for which the SRPM does not build a package with the same name. If you're interested in that list let me know.
Regards, Leonard.