On Tue, December 9, 2008 3:49 pm, William L. Maltby wrote:
On Tue, 2008-12-09 at 15:01 -0500, Bo Lynch wrote:
I'm having an issue with workstation opening pdf's with firefox. I have the adobe plugin installed and enabled in firefox but firefox will only let me save the file. Under applications I have tried using the doc reader and adobe to associate pdf's with firefox with no luck. I am running firefox 3.0.4. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
I've just been mucking about with this stuff. If you'll provide more information, maybe I can help. Many folks ignore requests with no substantive information because it wasts so much time trying to get the information needed.
For me, if you use rpm -q<splat whatever else you want> to list the adobe plugin file installed, that would be a start.
Under ~/.mozilla are one or more files named pluginreg.dat. Their contents would be useful. The find command will help you locate them. If you have multiple "default" directories there, which one is your active one? Just get information from that one.
If you have edited your preferences, list the settings for those that may be related: what do you have for download actions, under tools->add-ons->plugins tab, what is shown their. Anything else that may be useful and related.
-- Bill
rpm -q firefox firefox-3.0.4-1.el5.centos
[root@localhost ~]# acroread -v 8.1.3
The output of pluginreg.dat. This file was located in ~/.mozilla/firefox/ssehte9e.default Is this normal?
Generated File. Do not edit.
[HEADER] Version:0.09:$
[PLUGINS] /usr/lib/nspluginwrapper/npwrapper.so:$ :$ 1216305953000:1:1:$ <a href="http://gwenole.beauchesne.info/projects/nspluginwrapper/">nspluginwrapper</a> is a cross-platform NPAPI plugin viewer, in particular for linux/i386 plugins.<br>This is <b>beta</b> software available under the terms of the GNU General Public License.<br>:$ NPAPI Plugins Wrapper$ 1 0:unknown/mime-type:Do not open:none:$ /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins-wrapped/nswrapper_32_32.libflashplayer.so:$ :$ 1226956491000:1:1:$ Shockwave Flash 10.0 r12:$ Shockwave Flash:$ 2 0:application/x-shockwave-flash:Shockwave Flash:swf:$ 1:application/futuresplash:FutureSplash Player:spl:$ /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins-wrapped/nswrapper_32_32.nppdf.so:$ :$ 1227025018000:1:1:$ The Adobe Reader plugin is used to enable viewing of PDF and FDF files from within the browser.:$ Adobe Reader 8.0:$ 5 0:application/pdf:Portable Document Format:pdf:$ 1:application/vnd.fdf:Acrobat Forms Data Format:fdf:$ 2:application/vnd.adobe.xfdf:XML Version of Acrobat Forms Data Format:xfdf:$ 3:application/vnd.adobe.xdp+xml:Acrobat XML Data Package:xdp:$ 4:application/vnd.adobe.xfd+xml:Adobe FormFlow99 Data File:xfd:$
Thanks for any help. Bo Lynch