Dare I venture another query:
I need to install python - matplotlib (pylab) on CentOS 4 with Python 2.4.6 (installed).
Yum (with romforge) and/or apt-get isn't able to get anything relevant. Has anyone attempted this before? Even the offiical pages have no mention of CentOS.
Do I need to add more to the repo file? I currently have base, update, addons, extras, centosplus, contrib.
Raghu Narasimhan
Super, thanks for the tip. Turned out the 'enabled' parameter was 1. Changed it to 0 and all is well. Now 0 packages are excluded due to priorities.
Can anyone share a default CentOS-Base.repo file here, please? Just for my verification.
Happy to report resolution in the Paramiko problem too. The power of soft links knows no bounds :)On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 6:01 PM, Kai Schaetzl <maillists@conactive.com> wrote:
Raghu Narasimhan wrote on Wed, 25 Feb 2009 16:09:03 +0530:
This has nothing to do with mirrors. You definitely *want* priorities to keep
> In the yum configuration file, there are may mirrors listed in a few files:
> What should the priorities be? (I wnt to make sure no packages are excluded.
> 336 is a very large number)
your core CentOS files intact and not overwritten by rpmforge. Make sure that
none of your repos has a lower priority number than centos-base and updates.
Kai Schätzl, Berlin, Germany
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