-----Original Message----- From: centos-bounces@centos.org [mailto:centos-bounces@centos.org] On Behalf Of Phil Schaffner Sent: Monday, March 19, 2007 9:35 AM To: CentOS mailing list Subject: Re: [CentOS] Fun with CentOS and Windows
You should be able to get better resolution without installing the proprietary nvidia driver. Sounds like your monitor is not being automatically recognized. Should be able to run system-config-display (from runlevel 3) as root and set the monitor type in the Hardware
Should then see higher resolutions available. Set the resolution you want, exit system-config-display, and then "telinit 5" to get back to the GUI login.
Well, actually, after I installed the NVIDIA driver, I reset the monitor type to something like Generic 1600x1200 and ran with that for a while, but it didn't behave properly. After anywhere from 15-30 minutes of running, it would scramble all new window data and only refresh buttons I moved the mouse over. I changed it to Generic 1280x1024 and so far have not had any problems, but I haven't run on it all that long, either. So I don't really know if the driver helped or not.
If you still want the proprietary nvidia driver, nothing wrong with Winter's fine advice, but would like to suggest another alternative
applies at this point. Skip downloading the nvidia drivers and
enable ATrpms repo, being sure you first set up the yum-plugin-protectbase to keep from clobbering core packages.
Please remind me how to do that - I did it here at work but forgot how (for home).
I'll have to decrypt the rest of your post - it's too technical for me to delve into at the moment, but thanks for all of it.