On 12/28/2010 01:41 PM, james wrote:
You may be right about the restart, but I would like to know WHAT is crashing my web server regardless. We are not running any shiftily coded sites or apps on this server that I'm aware of (obviously something is shifty!). Is anyone aware of any other methods for drilling into the problem?
You may be dealing with a request that crashes before any data makes it into the logs.
Here's a trick I have used (posted Feb 10, 2008 by "Phantom" in alt.apache.configuration):
ls -l `ps -C httpd h | sed -r "s/^\s*([0-9]+) .+$//proc/\1/cwd/"`
which prints out the directory that each Apache worker thread is accessing. If you can narrow it down to the pid, you can use lsof to identify the particular file being being processed. Please keep us posted!