On 03/01/2013 05:03 PM, Tilman Schmidt wrote:
Am 01.03.2013 17:39, schrieb Robert Moskowitz:
On 03/01/2013 11:25 AM, Tilman Schmidt wrote:
Am 01.03.2013 16:56, schrieb Robert Moskowitz:
Is anyone here running bind on their server and can run this command from the server? If you are not getting this truncation, then my problem is the firewall. If you are, then either you have figured out the majic for Centos or something like that...
With bind-9.3.6-20.P1.el5_8.6 on CentOS 5.9 behind a Juniper SSG140:
As I said, mine is the Juniper SSG5. I do have current firmware (supposedly) on it to fix an IPv6 outbound routing problem.
SSG140 runs a different OS.
Yeah, sure. You asked for "anyone running bind" to run your test, so I did. If you wanted only results from people with a SSG5 you should have said so.
You are right. Sorry. I was a little rushed, but that is no reason for my reply. Thank you for the testing, it is pointing to the challenge being the SSG5.
I got the unit from the developers for testing, and do not have a support contract, so I will probably have to wait until IETF in 2 weeks to sit down again with the developers to figure this out.