It is more likely to work on a later Kernel and then and more likely with KVM. KVM shipped with 5.x and 6.x Enterprise linux is now old and fusty. A bit like your Unix beard :)
I had all kinds of horrible problems running FreeBSD on these hypervisors. Try Fedora 19. This is sparkly and fresh.
On 6 November 2013 19:21, Robert Heller wrote:
Is it even remotely possible to run MacOSX (or Darwin) as VM under CentOS 5.10 / xen? Or am I better off not even trying and just getting a MacMini or MacBook to just jack into my LAN? I just need a 'build box' and possibly something to do light testing (eg does the program run? Does the GUI come up?). I don't really have the *physical* room for an iMac, unless the screen is tiny.
I can cross-build for MS-Windows using mgwin32 and I have VMs for CentOS 6, Fedora, Ubuntu, Debian, etc. Only MacOSX is missing from the 'mix'.
-- Robert Heller -- 978-544-6933 / Deepwoods Software -- () ascii ribbon campaign -- against html e-mail /\ -- against proprietary attachments
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