Karanbir Singh wrote:
Plant, Dean wrote:
Is there a way to use a non-interactive command to create the new 2nd partition in the free space?
parted works well for such situations, and if python is your thing, pyparted is already included in the distro.
Sorry, I should have worded my first email better.
I know there are command line tools like fdisk, sfdisk and parted.
I am trying to script the creation of a partition in the free space of a disk without knowing the exact structure of the disk. Parted seems to want to know the exact layout you want to create
From the man page
mkpart part-type [fs-type] start end
But the script will not know the start or the end point.
Something similar to what I am trying to achieve is described here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5435429
They seem to be creating a single partition the size of the disk without specifying the exact sizes.
# parted /dev/${i} --script -- mkpart primary 0 -1
Similar to this, I want to create a partition without knowing the exact start or end point but im not interested in that, I just want to use the free space.
Hope this is clearer.